back pain Clifton

When should I see a pain treatment doctor?

That ache that never leaves your body, agonizing pain follows you whatever you do and seems to get worse with each passing day. You feel that never-ending pain gets your efficiency on the important work meetings, while you are enjoying your life to the fullest and suddenly you feel a stroke of pain that just stops all the fun and your life goes back to that stagnant momentum again. Well, if you are able to relate to the details might be you are troubled with pain. But should you smile and deal with your arthritis or other pain, your inflammation in the neck or back, or pain emanating from an old operation or injury? It might be the day to meet a pain specialist. This treatment will end your suffering and bring your liveliness.

What Are The Different Types of Pain?

We hear this issue all the time: “What are the various kinds of pain?” This is both easy to explain but hard to comprehend. There are five basic characters of pain, but some pain can fit into a hybrid of two categories, which is where the complexity comes in.

The five most typical types of pain are:

Acute pain

Chronic pain

Neuropathic pain

Nociceptive pain

Radicular pain

These pain are self-explanatory you can do little research about the same to understand what is your category. Doing this thoroughly would help in communicating better about the concerned issue.

How do you know when pain is serious?

Most pain is a natural acknowledgment of trauma or illness and doesn’t need an excursion to the doctor. But how will you understand if your pain is a symptom of something severe and asking for immediate medical attention? If you woke up with a sprain in the back because you slept on the chair last night, that’s most likely natural, and only in critical cases, you need a back specialist. If you got hurt by a scratch while repairing your house, the associated pain is normal and apparently doesn’t need a doctor’s attention. These are examples of just regular pain for giving clear distinction between the serious and regular.

Acute pain

As a practice, if your pain only remains for the short duration of time you’d foreseen it and you identify the cause, it’s seemingly normal. But if your pain is sharp, lasts more than usual than you believe it should for the injury or ailment, or you don’t know what’s creating it, you should definitely visit the pain doctor.

Some examples of source-based pain and goes once the reason is healed:


Broken bones.

Dental work.

Burns or cuts.

Labor and childbirth.

Chronic pain

Another example of Chronic pain is pain that is continuous and normally lasts longer than 6+ months. This type of pain can last even after the trauma or illness that created it has healed or been treated. Pain signals abide active in the nerves for weeks, months, or years. In this condition, you might need a doctor, and examples are as follows:




Nerve pain.

Back pain.

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What Are The Ways To Manage Pain With Therapy
What'S Causing Your Lower Back Pain
How To Talk With Your Doctor Regards Pain Management
Cortisone Knee Injection’S Affect
Cortisone Knee Injection’S Affect

How do I know what type of knee injury I have?

The knee is a complicated formation with many elements that make it exposed to a variety of sports injuries. Most people experience minor knee issues at one point or another. Knee injuries often happen during sporting pursuits, too. As per the statistics, it has been reported that people are likely to visit the orthopedic because of knee problems.

Knee Anatomy and Working

The knee joint is the biggest joint of the body and something that can be injured easily. Two cushioning discs described as menisci separate the upper and lower bones placed in the knee to let you move. The upper leg bone (the femur) and the bones of the lower legs are attached to ligaments, tendons, and muscles. The outside of the bones is embraced by cartilage, a person that assimilates shock and gives a smooth, gliding surface. Knee injuries are the result of harm to one or more of these formations. Of the four major ligaments located in the knee, the three that are harmed the most are the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), the medial collateral ligament (MCL), and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL).

ACL Injury

The ACL is damaged when athletes are turning direction quickly, reducing down when running, or landing from a jump. Individuals who perform basketball, football, and soccer and those who ski are especially at high risk for ACL sprains. If this arrangement is damaged, you could need surgery to regain the full capacity of your knee. This will all be based on the severity of your damage and your exercise level.

Most of the season ACL tears are too critical to be joined back together through the stitches. The orthopedic surgeon will have to surgically repair this structure by stitches by reconstructing the ligament. Most of the time the knee doctor will use a tissue graft to heal the ligament. This graft functions as scaffolding for new ligaments to build on. Most of the time grafts are secured from the patellar tendon or the hamstring ligaments.

MCL Injury

A direct blow to the outer phase of the knee usually causes damages to the MCL. Those athletes who play football and soccer are at a greater risk. When the knee is positioned sideways and used in that particular motion, the MCL can get ripped and rise in knee pain. The swelling will happen with an MCL injury as well as further knee issues can be noticed. When the MCL is torn critically and cannot heal precisely, surgery is necessary by a pain specialist. This will involve grafting a section of the tendon to support the portions of the torn ligament to attach to. In general cases, however, these injuries can be managed without surgical interference.

PCL Injury

The PCL is most usually injured when a sportsman receives a blow to the facade of the knee. This formation can also be ripped or injured if the person makes a simple slip on the playing field. Those who engage in football and soccer are at the most elevated risk for a PCL injury. This ligament is placed in the back of the knee and attaches the femur to the shinbone (the tibia).

These were some of the examples of a knee injury and could create knee pain. If the pain persists for a long time around 26+ months, talk with your doctor.

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What are different Strengthening Exercises for Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is a chronic condition that makes a person weak from the inside. If you are suffering from lower back pain and still are involved in daily physical activities, the condition can become worse. You can do some stretching exercises to slow down the pain. In addition, you should take a healthy diet when you have lower back pain to maintain a healthy weight. You should intake a high nutrient diet that promotes bone growth and makes them strong also.

Pain management doctor advises mandatory nutrients in daily diets when you have lower back pain must include:


Dairy products like yogurt, milk, cheese, frozen yogurt are high in calcium. If you don’t like dairy products you can take other foods that are abundant in calcium like cereal, orange juice, oatmeal, etc. vegetables like collard greens, kale, bok choy, and broccoli also have calcium.


Phosphorus is found in cheese, milk, pudding, baked beans, kidney beans, oysters, sardines, and dark colas, etc.

Vitamin D:

You should include foods with high vitamin D like cod liver oil, swordfish, salmon, fortified milk, sardines, eggs, and fortified cereals, etc.

The following nutrients will help you in low back pain treatment.

Other than that you should exercise regularly that will improve the joint movements, According to the back specialist some of them are discussed below:

  1. Bridges

The gluteus maximus muscle is large and the strongest muscle in the human body. It is located in the buttocks that are responsible for movement at the hip, like squats. If the muscle gets weakened, it can cause back pain because they stabilize the hip joints and lower back during movements like walking.

Muscles exercise: gluteus maximus

Lay down on the ground with flat feet on the floor, hip-width apart.

Bring your hands by your sides, press your feet into the floor when lifting your buttocks slowly off the ground till your body is in one straight line. Maintain your shoulders on the floor. Continue for 10 to 15 seconds.

Lower down.

Copy 15 times.

Complete 3 sets. Pause for one minute between each set.

  1. Drawing-in maneuver

The transverse abdominis is the muscle that is located around the front and side of the abdominal wall.

It’s important for supporting the spinal joints and stopping injury during movement.

Muscles worked: transverse abdominis

Rest on the ground with your feet level on the ground, hip-width apart.

Rest your hands by your sides.

Take a deep breath. Breathe out and draw your belly button in near your spine, engaging your abdominal muscles without bending your hips.

pause for 5 seconds.

Do it 5 times.

  1. Lying lateral leg raises

The hip abductors not only move the leg away from the body, but they also help rotate the leg at the hip joint. They are essential for maintaining stability when walking or standing on one leg.

When these muscles are not strong, it can affect body balance and mobility. It can also cause low back pain due to uncertainty in balance.

Muscles worked: gluteus medius

Lay down on one side, having your lower leg somewhat bent on the ground.

Reserve your core by pulling your belly button in near your spine.

Lift your top leg without disturbing the rest of your body.

pause for 2 seconds at the top. copy 10 times.

Repeat on different sides. Complete 3 sets on each side.

According to the back doctor, these exercises can help you in reducing the pain up to some extent. If you don’t find it useful then you can consult your doctor for alternative low back treatment.

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What are the different treatment options for the three stages of pain?

Some describe the back pain as the throbbing ache and for some, it is just constant suffering but nobody calls it a nice experience. As a result, people take various approaches to deal with the back and no one method suits everyone. Well, back pain is such a thing that can happen anytime as there are so many triggers around it, to ascertain the best way to deal with the thing is to consult a pain treatment clinic. In certain cases, you need to take the assistance of the pain management doctor to heal the suffering you are facing. Though there are cases when you are not facing the condition regularly and you are not requiring a back specialist. Then follow these mentioned steps to deal with the pain without the intervention of the back or knee pain doctor.

Medications for healing the pain on the initial level:

The fastest, safest, and most reliable technique of correcting the pain treatment is to take the pain medications preferred by the prescribed ones from the doctor. People who are suffering from pain that is hindering their day to day activities can consult the doctor for the particular field, such as having a word with a knee pain doctor if you are concerned with the knee pain. The dictionary on average gives anti-inflammatory drugs and other medicine that makes your muscle relax. To get more you from this try hot and cold compressions. In the case of chronic pain, the doctor might operate with the injection to stop that continuous growling pain. Usually, injections are given in those cases where there is no choice left for the patient and doctor. So far, OTC medication and doctors’ prescribed drugs wonder in case of pain.

Training for healing the pain on the moderate level:

Let us tell you a fact - exercise can improve pain up to a significant limit. Lots of doctors suggest the pain patient should do some workout at least 5 days a week to make the body active and agile. Regular exercise will help the patient who is suffering from body flexibility and other different things. If you are confused about starting the workout or is your body ready to do the workout. Then you should try taking a step by step approach to raising your fitness. For enhancing the effects of the back treatment results try practicing yoga on an everyday basis. Apart from getting relief from pain, you will get into a healthier lifestyle which will not only improve your health but betters the psychological aspects.

Surgery for healing the pain on last level:

The last option that the doctor can give you for curing the pain is to opt for the surgery’s option. This kind of back pain treatment will be recorded by the doctor if the person grows a remarkably serious issue and the patient can no longer deal with the ever-increasing pain. Surgery is declared to be the most accepted treatment to deal with the pain forever as the medical situation itself is relieved and the pain recedes as well.

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What are the different reasons to get knee pain treatment?

Knee pain can occur due to immediate injury or you are suffering from arthritis. Treatments may differ depending on the cause of pain. The indications of knee injury may include pain, swelling, and stiffness.

The more you are active, the more it is good for your joints and for the whole body. Since physical activities boost your muscles’ strength and increase mobility. If you had an old injury in the past and it was not treated properly, it may flare up any time and hurt you all the time. In that case, you should walk-in a pain treatment clinic.

There are other multiple reasons that can cause to visit a knee pain doctor like:


A sac called a bursa holds a little amount of fluid beneath the skin above the joint of the knee. It makes the joint run smoothly. If you are a runner then you will bend, kneel, repeatedly, which can irritate the bursa. It can lead to pain and swelling in the knee. Pain doctor calls it prepatellar bursitis.

Dislocated kneecap:

Dislocated kneecap means your kneecap slips out of position leading to pain and swelling.

This is also known as “patellar dislocation.”

IT (iliotibial) band syndrome:

It is a part of tough tissue that is spread from your hip down to the exterior part of your knee.

Due to the excessive physical activity, it can be swollen over time leading to pain on the outer side of the knee. The problem is common among the runners.

Meniscal tear:

Most often, a knee injury may cause the cartilage to rip. These uneven edges can get stuck in the joint, which produces pain and swelling. Most often, people will have the feeling of grabbing in the joint when they are busy.

Osgood-Schlatter disease:

This situation occurs when you’re young when bones and other parts of the knee are still adjusting. It can cause a painful lump under the knee, where a band from the kneecap connects to the shin. Exhausting exercise, and stress at a point on the root of your knee called the tibial tubercle, usually make this area hurt. The throbbing may come and go over time. It's especially obvious in teenage boys and girls.


The disease occurs commonly after the age of fifty. It causes when the knee joint pains and swelling while you are constantly active.

Do’s and Don’ts

  • Don’t rest too much because excessive rest can weaken your muscles that can lead to worse joint pain. Do some physical activity that is suitable for your knees and stick with it. If you're not sure which exercises are safe, talk to a physical therapist for knee pain treatment.
  • Don’t risk a drop or fall. Control your risk of fall since it can cause more knee damage.
  • Do or Practice RICE (Rest, ice, compression, and elevation) is good for knee pain in the case of a minor injury.
  • Don't increase your weight because it will increase stress on your knee that will lead to pain and swelling.

The doctor in a pain center advises cushioned insoles to reduce stress on your pain. If it is uncontrolled and severe see a physician nearby immediately.

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